BAMP includes a data example.
plot(cases[,1],type="l",ylim=range(cases), ylab="cases", xlab="year", main="cases per age group")
for (i in 2:8)lines(cases[,i], col=i)
model1 <- bamp(cases, population, age="rw1", period="rw1", cohort="rw1",
periods_per_agegroup = 5)
## Automatic check procedure removed 1 Markov chain. Please check for convergence using checkConvergence() and maybe change your model settings (maybe add overdispersion).
bamp() automatically performs a check for MCMC convergence using Gelman and Rubin’s convergence diagnostic. We can manually check the convergence again:
## [1] TRUE
Now we have a look at the model results. This includes estimates of smoothing parameters and deviance and DIC:
## Model:
## age (rw1) - period (rw1) - cohort (rw1) model
## Deviance: 231.33
## pD: 36.82
## DIC: 268.16
## Hyper parameters: 5% 50% 95%
## age 0.352 0.911 1.914
## period 66.500 196.313 619.346
## cohort 35.126 59.319 98.755
## Markov Chains convergence checked succesfully using Gelman's R (potential scale reduction factor).
We can plot the main APC effects using point-wise quantiles:
More quantiles are possible:
model2 <- bamp(cases, population, age="rw2", period="rw2", cohort="rw2",
periods_per_agegroup = 5,
mcmc.options=list("number_of_iterations"=200000, "burn_in"=100000, "step"=50, "tuning"=500),
hyperpar=list("age"=c(1,.5), "period"=c(1,0.05), "cohort"=c(1,0.05)))
## Automatic check procedure removed 1 Markov chain. Please check for convergence using checkConvergence() and maybe change your model settings (maybe add overdispersion).
## Warning: MCMC chains did not converge!
## Warning: MCMC chains did not converge!
## [1] FALSE
## WARNING! Markov Chains have apparently not converged! DO NOT TRUST THIS MODEL!
## Model:
## age (rw2) - period (rw2) - cohort (rw2) model
## Deviance: 233.94
## pD: 36.77
## DIC: 270.71
## Hyper parameters: 5% 50% 95%
## age 1.001 2.918 6.610
## period 16.395 41.703 91.754
## cohort 23.690 44.558 81.006
model3<-bamp(cases, population, age="rw1", period=" ", cohort="rw2",
periods_per_agegroup = 5)
## [1] TRUE
## Model:
## age (rw1) cohort (rw2) model
## Deviance: 276.78
## pD: 30.24
## DIC: 307.02
## Hyper parameters: 5% 50% 95%
## age 0.285 0.711 1.476
## cohort 37.991 74.151 140.697
## Markov Chains convergence checked succesfully using Gelman's R (potential scale reduction factor).
(model4<-bamp(cases, population, age="rw1", period="rw1", cohort="rw1",
cohort_covariate = cov_c, periods_per_agegroup = 5))
## Model:
## age (rw1) - period (rw1) - cohort (rw1) model
## Deviance: 231.21
## pD: 36.79
## DIC: 268.00
## Hyper parameters: 5% 50% 95%
## age 0.363 0.915 1.977
## period 66.572 196.755 597.112
## cohort 35.011 59.305 96.936
## Markov Chains convergence checked succesfully using Gelman's R (potential scale reduction factor).
(model5<-bamp(cases, population, age="rw1", period="rw1", cohort="rw1",
period_covariate = cov_p, periods_per_agegroup = 5))
## Model:
## age (rw1) - period (rw1) - cohort (rw1) model
## Deviance: 231.33
## pD: 36.98
## DIC: 268.32
## Hyper parameters: 5% 50% 95%
## age 0.350 0.924 1.941
## period 64.539 197.622 631.998
## cohort 33.974 59.102 97.111
## Markov Chains convergence checked succesfully using Gelman's R (potential scale reduction factor).